Alternative Investment Funds Management

The Company has necessary regulatory approvals to operate as an AIFM for all major asset classes (liquid hedge fund strategies, illiquid private equity and real estate strategies), and is permitted to provide risk and portfolio management services for alternative investment funds. The Company is also able to deliver AIFMD-compliant reporting.

At present, the Company manages five registered alternative investment funds with the total assets under management of about $800mln.

Portfolio management services

  • Discretionary portfolio management for alternative investment funds (“discretionary model”); or
  • Advisory portfolio management for alternative investment funds with the involvement of an investment advisor or an investment committee (“advisory model”); or
  • Delegation of portfolio management for alternative investment funds to an external licensed portfolio manager and monitoring of portfolio management within the scope of outsourcing controlling (“delegation model”)

Risk management services

  • Implementation of processes to identify, measure and manage material risks for alternative investment funds (market risks, credit risks, liquidity risks, counterparty risks, operational risks)
  • Ongoing monitoring of risk management systems, processes and methods
  • Fulfilling AIFMD’s transparency requirements towards regulators and investors by implementing an appropriate reporting system